Attention parents of tweens and teens feeling overwhelmed by

Digital distractions and communication breakdowns:

Attention parents of tweens and teens feeling overwhelmed by digital distractions and communication breakdowns:

Attention parents of tweens and teens feeling overwhelmed by digital distractions and communication breakdowns:

How To Cultivate a Home Environment Where Respect and Understanding Flourish

How To Cultivate a Home Environment Where Respect and Understanding Flourish

Learn the latest way to connect deeply with your teens, guiding them towards emotional resilience and self-discipline without losing your cool or their trust.

Attend the Masterclass Live on May 8th at 1PM EST / 6PM BST.

30 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee

Learn the latest way to connect deeply with your teens, guiding them towards emotional resilience and self-discipline without losing your cool or their trust.

  • The surprisingly EASY method to transform your family dynamics, ensuring a peaceful home environment with your teens—regardless of past struggles or current tensions.

  • Critical MISTAKES to avoid in parenting teens in the digital age, helping you to effectively manage screen time and emotional health without the usual stress.

  • The PROVEN "Connect-Communicate-Collaborate" framework you can apply immediately to foster deeper understanding and respect between you and your children (includes end-to-end live support during the masterclass).

Watch The Masterclass Recording Anytime You'd like.


I have certainly changed my way

“I have certainly changed my way of thinking in many areas and would recommend that if you are feeling anxious, it is worth trying her sessions.”


I have certainly changed my way of thinking in many areas and would recommend that if you are feeling anxious, it is worth trying her sessions.

- R Patel

I have certainly changed my way of thinking in many areas and would recommend that if you are feeling anxious, it is worth trying her sessions.

- R Patel

Dear Parents,

Do you want to turn daily conflicts and misunderstandings into opportunities for growth and connection?

Here’s the secret:

No More Yelling, Threatening, or Feeling Helpless against the onslaught of the digital age and its grip on your family dynamics.

No More Yelling, Threatening, or Feeling Helpless against the onslaught of the digital age and its grip on your family dynamics.

Before, my life felt like a never-ending cycle of conflict and misunderstanding. 

Every day was a battle: battling to get my kids off their screens, battling to get them to open up about their lives, battling just to maintain a semblance of harmony in our home. 

I was exhausted, feeling more like a referee or a drill sergeant than a parent. 

Conversations, when they happened, were surface-level at best or ended in shouting matches at worst.

My work life suffered as I carried this tension with me everywhere, and I lay awake at night, plagued by the fear that I was failing my children. 

I was stuck in a pattern, repeating the same mistakes and getting the same heartbreaking results. 

I felt lost in the digital divide, disconnected from my own kids, unsure of how to bridge the gap or change the trajectory we were on.

Now, our home is transformed. 

It's become a sanctuary of peace, understanding, and laughter. 

Where there was once silence or the constant din of digital notifications, there are now conversations about everything and anything — hopes, fears, and dreams. 

I've learned to listen more than I speak, to guide rather than dictate, and to connect with my children on a level I once thought was lost to us. 

We have established boundaries around screen time, not through mandates, but through mutual understanding and respect for each other's needs. 

My children now seek me out, sharing their victories and their struggles, knowing they will be met with empathy and support. 

This change has permeated every aspect of my life, bringing a sense of calm and confidence that I carry into my work and personal endeavors. 

I sleep better, knowing that while parenting is never without its challenges, I am equipped to meet them with love and understanding.

The difference came when I stumbled upon a simple, yet profound secret: the power of empathetic communication coupled with boundaries set in love. 

This wasn't about becoming a "better" parent in the traditional sense of enforcing more rules or maintaining strict discipline, but rather about transforming the way I interacted with my children, seeing them as individuals navigating their own complex emotional landscapes. 

It was about understanding that behind every act of defiance, every eye roll, and every hour spent on a device, there was a deeper need for connection, for being heard and understood. 

I learned the importance of not just talking to my children but engaging with them, of not just imposing rules but explaining the values behind them, of not just demanding respect but modeling it in every interaction.

This journey wasn't easy. 

It required me to confront my own insecurities and fears, to question long-held beliefs about parenting, and to be open to learning and growing alongside my children. 

But the rewards have been immeasurable. 

We've built a family culture based on mutual respect, understanding, and unconditional love.

Our home is no longer a battleground but a space where each of us can be our true selves, knowing we are accepted and cherished.

The secret that changed everything for me was embracing empathetic communication and loving boundaries. 

It reshaped my perspective, taught me the true meaning of connection, and showed me that even in the face of today's challenges, it's possible to cultivate a family life filled with joy, understanding, and deep, enduring bonds.

Peaceful Parenting

Really Works

Watch The Masterclass Recording Anytime You'd like.

Attend the Masterclass Live on May 8th at 1PM EST / 6PM BST.

DISCLAIMER: This masterclass is not for those who are looking for quick fixes or overnight transformations in their family dynamics. It's not for parents who are unwilling to reflect on and possibly change their own behaviors, or for those who prefer strict, authoritarian parenting methods without room for open dialogue and emotional growth. If you're not ready to embrace vulnerability, practice patience, and invest time in building deeper connections with your children, this masterclass might not be for you.

Learn how to transform your family dynamics into a harmonious, deeply connected environment where both parents and children feel understood, respected, and valued.


Peaceful Parenting Masterclass

Proactive Applicant System

A transformative online masterclass designed for parents of tweens and teens navigating the complexities of modern family life

This masterclass offers a new pathway to understanding, communication, and connection, moving beyond traditional disciplinary tactics to foster a home environment rich in mutual respect and emotional growth.

Through expert-led sessions, interactive exercises, and real-life applications, you'll learn how to break the cycle of conflict, effectively manage digital distractions, and cultivate a deeper bond with your children.

In this masterclass Sangeeta will guide you through the principles of empathetic communication and setting boundaries with love, empowering you to build a foundation of trust and openness that will support your family for years to come.

For just £37, you can access this life-changing content, designed to bring peace to your household and strengthen your relationship with your children.

Join us in the Peaceful Parenting Masterclass and take the first step towards creating a more harmonious, connected family life.

The masterclass can be viewed anytime you'd like.


Here’s what we’ll cover in the Peaceful Parenting Masterclass

You'll be ready and job searching like a pro in just 2 days.

Discover the power of Clarity in parenting: Learn how a clear understanding of your own goals and values can transform your approach to parenting, leading to more meaningful connections with your teens.

Unlock the secret to managing Emotions: Find out how recognizing and regulating your emotions can prevent unnecessary conflict and build a stronger, more empathetic relationship with your child.

  • Embrace Mindfulness: See how incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine can help you respond more calmly to parenting challenges, reducing stress for both you and your children.

  • Gain Clarity on what's really important in your relationship with your teens, distinguishing between battles worth fighting and those that aren't, to foster a peaceful home environment.

  • Learn to navigate the storm of teen Emotions with grace, understanding the underlying feelings behind their actions to guide them towards positive behaviors.

  • Mindfulness in action: Practical exercises to help you stay present and connected with your family, even in the midst of chaos.

30 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee

Look, building a resume that get’s you an interview is hard.

Navigating through a sea of templates, it's a constant guesswork game to ensure your resume is complete.

Cut through the confusion and streamline your path to career success with our new and unique solution: The Proactive Applicant System

Navigating the complex path to an interview for your ideal job is often filled with challenges.

That's why we put together a live course to get you started on the right foot.

Don’t spend hours of your day applying for job after job using a resume, cover letter, and outdated strategies that don’t get you interviews.

The Proactive Applicant System will teach you how to create your cover letter, resume, and everything else you need in order to get your dream job in just 2 days.

If you want the best shortcut for getting your dream job, you need to act now…

Join our live workshop on February 8th 9th, from 8 AM to 11 AM EST, and be part of our transformative journey at a special beta price

Here’s what we’ll cover in the Peaceful Parenting Masterclass

  • Discover the power of Clarity in parenting: Learn how a clear understanding of your own goals and values can transform your approach to parenting, leading to more meaningful connections with your teens.

  • Mindfulness techniques specifically tailored for busy parents, showing you how to find moments of peace amidst the hustle and bustle of family life.

  • Gain Clarity on what's really important in your relationship with your teens, distinguishing between battles worth fighting and those that aren't, to foster a peaceful home environment.

  • Mindfulness in action: Practical exercises to help you stay present and connected with your family, even in the midst of chaos.

  • Learn to navigate the storm of teen Emotions with grace, understanding the underlying feelings behind their actions to guide them towards positive behaviors.

  • Unlock the secret to managing Emotions: Find out how recognizing and regulating your emotions can prevent unnecessary conflict and build a stronger, more empathetic relationship with your child.

  • The role of Clarity in setting and communicating effective boundaries, ensuring everyone in the family understands and respects them.

  • Transform your emotional responses: Use emotional intelligence strategies to turn potentially volatile situations into moments of connection and understanding.

  • Clarity about your own emotional triggers can prevent overreactions and model healthy coping strategies for your teens.

  • Embrace Mindfulness: See how incorporating mindfulness into your daily routine can help you respond more calmly to parenting challenges, reducing stress for both you and your children.

Watch The Masterclass Recording Anytime You'd like.

Attend the Masterclass Live on May 8th at 1PM EST / 6PM BST.

Peaceful Parenting Works Even If You Think You've Tried Everything to Connect With Your Teen

You might be thinking that you'll need to become a strict, authoritarian parent in order to get the peaceful, respectful relationship with your teen that you crave, but actually, our approach in the Peaceful Parenting Masterclass offers an alternative route.

The secret lies not in tightening the reins, but in understanding the emotional undercurrents of your child's behavior, and responding with empathy and clarity.

We understand that the prospect of changing your parenting style might seem daunting, especially if you believe that more discipline and stricter rules are the only ways to correct challenging behavior.

However, our masterclass will show you how to achieve harmony in your home without resorting to the authoritarian tactics you might be wary of.

Through our focused sessions on Clarity, Emotion, and Mindfulness, you'll learn strategies that deepen your connection with your child, making them more receptive to your guidance without the need for conflict or confrontation.

This method empowers you to navigate the complexities of parenting teens with confidence, using tools that foster mutual respect and understanding.

So, you can achieve the peaceful and cooperative family life you desire, without having to become the strict disciplinarian you feared you might need to be.

That’s why I’m so excited to be sharing this information with you on the upcoming masterclass!

Watch The Masterclass Recording Anytime You'd like.

Attend the Masterclass Live on May 8th at 1PM EST / 6PM BST.

Enroll Now

And Get These 2 Bonuses For FREE!

Mindful Moments: Quick Meditation Guide for Busy Parents

This bonus provides you with a collection of quick and effective meditation exercises specifically designed for parents. 

These guided meditations can be easily integrated into your daily routine, helping you to cultivate mindfulness and patience in moments of stress. 

By practicing these meditations, you'll enhance your ability to stay present and connected with your family, amplifying the effectiveness of the strategies learned in the masterclass.

£97 Value

Emotional Intelligence Toolkit for Parents and Teens

This toolkit is designed to help both you and your teen understand and manage emotions more effectively. 

It includes practical exercises, conversation starters, and conflict resolution strategies that encourage emotional expression and understanding

By using this toolkit, you'll be able to apply the principles of emotional intelligence from the masterclass to real-life situations, fostering a deeper emotional connection within your family.

£47 Value

Watch The Masterclass Recording Anytime You'd like.

Attend the Masterclass Live on May 8th at 1PM EST / 6PM BST.

101 Job Winning Tips eBook

Learn how to win your job search with these incredible job tips!

$47 Value

101 Job Winning Tips eBook

Learn how to win your job search with these incredible job tips!

$47 Value


What Others Are Saying About Us

What Others Are Saying About Us

Sangeeta’s life coaching sessions are well thought out. She is warm, easy to talk to, a great listener and has a beautiful soul.

My energies have changed, and I feel more aligned and able to make decisions more clearly. Thank you so much for helping me get out of a negative mindset to a positive thought process and helping me speak up and be confident.


Marketing Manager

“Joel is very professional and knowledgeable”

"I would like to take a moment to inform anyone who might be interested in creating or updating their resume to please reach out to Joel Quass. Joel is very professional and knowledgeable in resume writing, interviewing skills, and career management." - Sheree Mullen, PhD, MSN, MBA, Baltimore, MD

I have been working on my personal development but felt I needed to go deeper into past issues and find out what I could do to make my life easier.

Sangeeta has helped me to do this through life coaching, meditation and general help and healing. My heart is already lighter, and I am learning to be a more content and happy version of myself!


Graphic Designer

I have been working on my personal development but felt I needed to go deeper into past issues and find out what I could do to make my life easier.

Sangeeta has helped me to do this through life coaching, meditation and general help and healing.

My heart is already lighter, and I am learning to be a more content and happy version of myself!


Graphic Designer

I'm really thankful to Sangeeta for supporting me when I needed it most.

I was suffering from chronic tension, headaches, feeling very low and her inner peace sessions have changed my perception towards life situations and people. Sangeeta’s meditations are very powerful and they uplift me whenever I need a boost of energy. I highly recommend Sangeeta’s inner peace sessions, especially if you are struggling mentally or emotionally.



“Joel is very professional and knowledgeable”

"I would like to take a moment to inform anyone who might be interested in creating or updating their resume to please reach out to Joel Quass. Joel is very professional and knowledgeable in resume writing, interviewing skills, and career management." - Sheree Mullen, PhD, MSN, MBA, Baltimore, MD

I took inner peace sessions with Sangeeta and it made me understand life and others more.

I became self-aware and my thought process changed. Her programme is very relevant to daily life and her warm and friendly nature makes it easy to open. Because of the life coaching sessions with Sangeeta, I have become more confident in dealing with life situations and taking up new challenges.




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Award-winning parenting coach and reiki healer

Empowering Parents To Raise Happy, Confident, And Emotional Strong Children

My journey into coaching and healing started after I healed myself of depression, asthma, UT, fevers, and chronic cold and positively transformed my relationship with my husband and two kids.

I discovered that the parent’s childhood emotional wounds, constant stress, and feeling of unworthiness, fear, and unmet needs directly impact the parent-child relationship.


Time is of The Essence, Act Now Before It’s Too Late

Time is of The Essence, Act Now Before It’s Too Late

We're offering this course as a beta program up until February 7th, 2024. After that, the price goes up so join now before prices goes from 97$ to 497$. Just ask for a refund later if you’re not 100% happy.

30 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee


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Try the masterclass and the bonuses for 1 full year. 

Get a 30 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee

That’s how confident we are that you’ll love your experience.


Get a 30 Day No-Questions

Money Back Guarantee

Get a 30 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee

That’s how confident we are that you’ll love your experience.

How it works

If, for some reason, you don’t find them useful - I’ll refund you the full £37.

Just send me an email and we’ll refund you within 7 days. 

How it works

If, for some reason, you don’t find them useful -

I’ll refund you the full £37.

Just send me an email and we’ll refund you within 7 days.

30 Day No-Questions Money Back Guarantee

 You’ll get lifetime access to the masterclass

Take Advantage Of This Special Beta Price Of Just $97

Regular Price After Launch: $497. Save $400 by enrolling in the beta course today!

Watch The Masterclass Now!

Attend the Masterclass Live on May 8th at 1PM EST / 6PM BST.

Join us in the Peaceful Parenting Masterclass and take the first step towards creating a more harmonious, connected family life.

The #1 system for getting your dream job!

I felt like a different person and started looking at things from a different perspective.

A massive thanks to Sangeeta for helping me in difficult times and making my journey of life smoother and pleasant.

- S Sinha

Here’s a recap:

  • Transform Your Parenting Journey: Dive into the Peaceful Parenting Masterclass, designed specifically for parents of tweens and teens navigating the digital age, offering a new pathway to understanding, empathy, and deeper family connections without resorting to authoritarian methods. 

  • Master Clarity, Emotion, and Mindfulness: Learn how to implement these three critical components into your parenting approach to effectively communicate, manage emotions, and maintain presence, leading to a harmonious and respectful family dynamic.

  • Overcome Common Challenges Effortlessly: Discover strategies that work even if you think you've tried everything to connect with your teen, showing you how to achieve desired family relationships without becoming the strict disciplinarian you feared necessary.

  • Exclusive Bonuses to Enhance Your Experience: Gain access to "Mindful Moments: Quick Meditation Guide for Busy Parents" and the "Emotional Intelligence Toolkit for Parents and Teens" to further apply and integrate the masterclass teachings into your daily life for lasting change.

  • A Simple, Effective Solution for Modern Parents: This comprehensive approach is tailored to address the unique challenges faced by today’s parents, offering practical solutions and actionable steps to foster a peaceful, connected home environment, all for just £37.

Normally: £497

Normally: £497

Today: £37

Watch The Masterclass Recording Anytime You'd like.


Welcome, I'm Sangeeta

Welcome, I'm Sangeeta

About Me

Award-winning life coach, parenting coach and reiki healer

Empowering Parents To Raise Happy, Confident, And Emotional Strong Children

I am a dedicated practitioner blending the transformative powers of hypnotherapy, Reiki healing, and life coaching to guide individuals towards inner peace and harmonious parenting.

As the creator of the INNER PEACE PROGRAM and PEACEFUL PARENTING, I am deeply committed to supporting parents in cultivating tranquillity and nurturing solid and loving connections within their families.

My journey into this transformative work began from a place of personal struggle.

Like many parents, I faced challenges balancing parenthood with the weight of past traumas and self-limiting beliefs.

Feeling overwhelmed and triggered by life's complexities, I embarked on a profound spiritual journey in search of peace and clarity.

Over a decade, I studied human behaviour, delving into the intricacies of our thoughts, emotions, and their profound impact on our reality. Through my own experiences and growth journey, I have gained invaluable insights into the power of love over fear and the transformative potential within each of us.

Drawing from universal wisdom and my healing journey, I have crafted transformative programs to help individuals break free from limiting beliefs, embrace self-awareness, and create a life filled with purpose and joy.

I invite you to join me on this transformative journey towards inner peace and joyful parenting. Let's uncover the hidden barriers that have held you back and pave the way for a future filled with love, harmony, and fulfilment.


Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the £37 cover in the Peaceful Parenting Masterclass?

The £37 fee grants you full access to masterclass, including downloadable resources to support your learning journey.

Is there a refund policy for the masterclass?

Absolutely! We offer a 1-year full refund guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the value provided, you can request a full refund within a year of purchase.

Do I need any special software to attend the masterclass?

No special software is required. You can watch the masterclass using any web browser, though we recommend using a stable internet connection for the best experience.

Is this masterclass suitable for parents with children outside the 11-17 age range?

While the masterclass is tailored for parents of children ages 11-17, the strategies discussed can be beneficial for parents with children just outside this age range who are seeking to improve family dynamics.

Will there be any additional costs after the initial £37?

No, the £37 fee covers your complete access to the masterclass. There are no hidden fees or additional costs required to access the full content and benefits of the session.

How long will the masterclass last?

The masterclass is about 1 hour and 20 minutes long.

Can both parents attend the masterclass for the price of one registration?

Yes, the registration fee covers household access, so both parents are welcome to watch the masterclass under a single registration.

What makes this masterclass different from other parenting courses?

Our masterclass focuses specifically on modern challenges parents face with teens in the digital age, providing actionable, empathetic strategies for improving communication and family relationships, backed by a full year's refund guarantee for peace of mind.

Attend the Masterclass Live on May 8th at 1PM EST / 6PM BST.


Time is of The Essence, Act Now Before It’s Too Late

We're offering this Masterclass for a limited time

Just ask for a refund later if you’re not 100% happy.

Watch The Masterclass Recording Anytime You'd like.

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